The New Year is finally here. It’s that time of year where you resolve to make some changes in your life. Perhaps you want to save some money for a dream vacation. You may have decided it’s time to finally give up smoking. Or, maybe you’re looking to make a few physical changes. And no, we’re not talking about investing in that gym membership (although getting into shape is a great resolution too!).

What we’re talking about are medical aesthetics treatments. Maybe you’ve never had one before. Or, maybe you’ve had one or two, but you still don’t feel quite the way you want. Clarity Medical Aesthetics is here to help you find the right treatments to achieve your goals.

Here are five awesome medical aesthetics treatments that you aren’t doing, but totally should be.

1. Hair Restoration/PRP Therapy

Hair thinning and hair loss is a common issue in both men and women as we grow older. At Clarity, we can help to restore hair growth with PRP therapy. This non-surgical treatment involves the use of your own blood to stimulate growth. It is done over the course of four appointments, each only lasting about 45 minutes.

At each appointment, we draw a small amount of your blood and use a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets, which contain growth factors that stimulate sluggish follicles promoting new hair growth. It is then applied to the scalp following a microneedling treatment. There is no downtime, and hair regrowth can be seen in as little as 6 weeks.

hair restoration before and after

A before and after of one of our hair restoration treatments.

2. Laser Hair Removal

How many of us, women and men alike, have areas of unwanted hair? We pluck, tweeze, wax, shave, all to no avail. Inevitably, the hair comes back. Laser hair removal gets rid of that unwanted hair for good. The Quanta Laser Light System uses pulses of light that pass through the skin to the follicles of the hair. There, it disables the follicles, rendering them unable to regrow new hair. The tissue surrounding the follicles is left unharmed. This treatment can be used on all different skin types, and patients typically experience a 90% reduction in unwanted hair.

3. Vaginal Anti-Aging

Alright ladies, this one is for you. While you may not like to talk about it, your vaginal region goes through some major changes. Having children, going through menopause, even just getting older all take their toll, leading to incontinence, dryness, painful intercourse, fading orgasms, and a significant decrease in the quality of your sex life. Not only is this disheartening for you, it can affect your partner as well.

It used to be that to solve these issues, invasive surgery was required. At Clarity, we provide a non-surgical alternative. Our Ultra Femme 360 utilizes radio frequency, which rejuvenates your vaginal region, both inside and out. It only takes 20 minutes of your time, and is virtually painless, meaning there is no need for anesthesia. Results are noticeable immediately. And, there is no downtime, which means you, and your partner, can begin enjoying them right away.

4. PRF with Microneedle Therapy for Skin Revitalization

The skin goes through a multitude of changes as you get older, including changes in texture, tone, and vibrancy. Collagen loss is one fo the main causes of aging skin. At Clarity, we use microneedling to revitalize the skin, restoring fullness, smoothness, vibrancy and a youthful glow. Microneedling is a type of mechanical peel that uses a controlled multineedle head that perforates the skin in a controlled manner. This not only removes dead skin, it also triggers the body to stimulate collagen growth for healing.

PRF platelet rich firbrin, is often used in conjunction with this treatment. PRF, like PRP, utilizes your own blood to improve your skin. We draw a small amount of your blood and spin it in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelet rich fibrin. Platelets contain growth factors including a small amount of stem cells that stimulate new collagen and tissue growth. This aids in further improving tone, texture, color, and overall health of your skin. **PRF clots much faster than its sister PRP, which makes it perfect for this treatment therapy.

5. Facial/Leg Vein Therapy

Spider veins are a common issue and typically occur on the legs and face. While spider veins on the legs can be hidden by clothing, the weather will warm up in just a few months. You shouldn’t have to suffer in the heat by trying to cover them up. We offer two treatments to help reduce the appearance of spider veins and restore your appearance as well as your confidence.

Laser vein therapy uses a laser beam to target spider veins. The laser causes the unsightly veins to collapse and the blood is redirected to healthy veins. The laser is very precise and can be used on a variety of skin types. It can also be used in conjunction with our other treatment option, Sclerotherapy, to help achieve optimal results.

Sclerotherapy is an FDA-approved chemical that is injected into spider veins. The chemical works by causing the vessel to close and disappear. It is typically a painless procedure, though some may experience slight temporary burning or itching. And now is the perfect time for treatment. Compression garments are often recommended for a few days to maximize results, and veins usually disappear in a few months. By the time summer rolls around, you will be ready to dress comfortably and show off the new you! Or as we like to say, new year, same you! (only better)

The New Year is the perfect time to make those changes you’ve been dreaming of but keep putting off. We can review your goals and help you to choose the treatments that are right for you. Call Clarity Medical Aesthetics today to schedule your complimentary consultation!

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Kati Midgley