“”When it comes to the idea of age, most people keenly count the years. “How old are you?” is a question we hear all too often.

But when it comes to your skin, the dates on the calendar aren’t the most important factor. Turns out, your chronological age and your skin’s age are two very different things. Unlike chronological age, your skin’s age is determined by factors that are largely under your control.

Let’s talk about why skin age is important, what impacts your skin’s age, and how we make those determinations here at Clarity so we can create the perfect treatment plan for you!

Why Is Skin Age Important?

Determining skin age is crucial because the actual skin that’s present on your body is what needs to be treated — not its technical age. For the most effective skincare routine, we need to properly assess your skin age and treat it accordingly!

Factors That Impact Skin Age

There are many factors that, over time, can significantly affect your skin’s age — and most of them you can control. These include:

  • Not taking proper care of your skin can have serious long-term consequences. As we said in a recent blog post, a good skincare routine (including a cleanser, a retinol, a vitamin C serum, and most importantly, SPF) should actually start in puberty. Or as soon as possible thereafter!
  • Sun exposure. UV light, caused by the sun, can significantly damage your skin, causing early aging. With excessive exposure, it can even lead to a greater risk of skin cancer. Always wear your SPF!
  • While we all know the general health risks of smoking, this risky practice can also cause premature aging. Chemicals in cigarettes can negatively affect the production of collagen and elastin (the two proteins that help keep it looking youthful) in your skin.
  • Poor diet/lack of nutrients. Nutrient-dense food fuels all aspects of your body, including your skin. Eating an abundance of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables will help keep that collagen flowing even as you age. Alternatively, a poor diet can definitely reveal itself on your face.
  • Lack of exercise. Exercise is one of the best ways to maintain your skin’s health. When we exercise, blood flows, carrying oxygen and an array of other nutrients to our skin cells. So when we skip out on the workouts, it can show up in our skin’s appearance.

Learn More: Summer is Here: Adjusting Your Daily Skincare Routine for Warmer Weather

How to Determine Skin Age 

At Clarity, our expert, experienced providers know exactly how to assess your skin to determine its age. The following factors are some of what we’ll look for during your assessment.

  • Wrinkles and fine lines. Fine lines and wrinkles can be some of the first signs of aging skin. As you get older, wrinkles tend to get deeper and more pronounced — particularly when you opt out of anti-aging skincare options.
  • If you don’t drink enough water it can show itself in a number of ways, including dryness, dullness, more pronounced under-eye circles, and fine lines. Hydration is everything!
  • Poor tone. Your skin’s tone should look healthy and natural. Any change in complexion color can indicate underlying issues.
  • Uneven texture and discoloration. If the texture of your skin isn’t consistent or there are discoloration concerns, it can show an advanced skin age.
  • Healthy, youthful skin should be firm and hold up well. Looseness or laxity are signs of aging skin.

What Healthy Skin Should Look Like

Skin that’s been properly cared for will show it! Healthy skin has a natural glow about it; undoubtedly you’ve noticed that gorgeous, ethereal quality in others. Pores are less visible, hyperpigmentation is nearly non-existent, it is hydrated with a “dewey” appearance. 

In addition, healthy skin has better elasticity, it’s thicker (thin skin is typical of poorer quality and shows “etching” or fine lines), and will have less discoloration.

If it turns out that you have a more advanced skin age, don’t fret! There are tons of treatment options available to address your skin’s age and dial back the damage. Here at Clarity, it’s our job to give you the best skin of your life.

Start With a Consultation

At Clarity, a new patient’s journey begins with a custom consultation. Forget what it says on your birth certificate; during this time our experienced clinicians will listen to your unique concerns and weigh in on what they see while examining your skin. 

As experienced providers, oftentimes we see things you may have overlooked or that you thought were impossible to treat. A treatment plan may work to address the obvious signs of aging initially, then progress as your skin improves over time.

Schedule your consultation today and turn back the hands of time for your skin!

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Kati Midgley