Dealing with the signs of aging can be hard. With most issues, you can often turn to your girlfriends to commiserate and get advice. But when the signs of aging are affecting you in such a private area, you might not feel comfortable talking to your closest friends. In fact, the thought of telling anyone can be downright embarrassing.

Symptoms of vaginal aging effect over 40% of menopausal women. After menopause, you’re stuck dealing with stress urinary incontinence (a.k.a. peeing when you don’t want to), laxity, painful intercourse, and fading orgasms. And, you probably don’t even want to think about it, let alone talk about it. But what if there was a simple, non-invasive solution?

At Clarity Medical Aesthetics, we offer non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment. This treatment involves the use of radio frequency which produces heat, when directed intravaginally stimulates collagen production and rejuvenates vaginal tissue. It can also help to increase lubrication. The idea of this treatment might seem kind of awkward, but dealing with the signs of vaginal aging can be even more so. We’re here to tell you that getting help isn’t as embarrassing as it seems.

But don’t just take it from me. To help you put things in perspective and truly decide if non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation is right for you, I’ve interviewed one of my clients who had (and loved!) the treatment.

Nancy (name has been changed to protect her privacy) is a 55-year-old woman who is a current patient of ours. Prior to treatment, she suffered from embarrassing bladder leaks for over 4 years. In addition to this, she dealt with a diminished sex life due to lack of lubrication and pain during intercourse. Nancy finally took control of her body and decided to do something about these unbearable symptoms of aging. How did I learn this about Nancy? She overheard me discussing the treatment in our practice and during her appointment with me  she asked one simple question. What is that treatment all about?

Kati: What Took You So Long to Seek Help?

NANCY: Well, to be honest, I was very embarrassed about the whole situation. I mean, dealing with bladder leaks and suffering with a decreased sex life isn’t something that you hear talked about very often, if at all. These are deeply personal issues. I couldn’t even go to my closest girlfriends to talk about these issues. I just wasn’t comfortable talking about it.

Not only was I embarrassed to talk about these issues, I had all these wrong assumptions about what was going on. I used to think that there was nothing I could do. I thought that this was just how things would be now, that I would be stuck wearing adult diapers to avoid embarrassing accidents. I also thought my sex life was over. That one didn’t just affect me, it was affecting my husband too.

The only thing I had ever heard of before was a surgical treatment. That scared me. Even if it could help, it was going to be very painful and there would be a lot of downtime afterward. That didn’t appeal to me. I would have just dealt with the symptoms of menopause rather than undergo an invasive treatment like that.

Kati: How Did You Find Out About Non-surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation?

NANCY: I found out about it here, actually. I’m a current patient of Clarity’s, and I’ve had other treatments done here before. I listened to you describe the treatment, and the idea of alleviating my symptoms in a non-surgical manner was really appealing. I mean, not having to rush to the bathroom to avoid leaks and getting to enjoy intimacy with my husband again? You described it to me as a very gentle procedure that uses a probe that delivers heat, which didn’t sound scary at all. And the best part for me was that there would be no downtime.

Because I’ve been a patient for a while now and all of the staff here are so wonderful, I finally decided to follow through with a consultation. Let me tell you, I don’t regret it!

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Kati: How Did Your Treatment Go? Did it Hurt?

NANCY: The treatment was far better than I ever could have hoped. Non-surgical treatment involved three separate appointments, once a week for three weeks. Each appointment was really simple, really quick, and non-invasive. The appointments only took 20 minutes. It was incredible, and it didn’t hurt at all! The best way I can describe the treatment is that it’s similar to a speculums during a routine OB-GYN visit, but actually a lot more comfortable. I was able to go back to my normal routine right after leaving the office.

Kati: What Results Have You Noticed?

NANCY: I’ve definitely noticed dramatic results. They came on subtly at first, but I noticed results right after the first treatment. The most dramatic has been the incredible improvement in my stress urinary incontinence. I’ve also noticed a significant improvement in lubrication as well, as has my husband. It has revived our sex life. And the treatment has visibly tightened the external area as well, which is an added bonus!

Kati: Would You Recommend Vaginal Rejuvenation to a Friend?

NANCY: Oh, absolutely! Now that I’ve had the treatment, I have shared my experience with my girlfriends.  It would be great, you know, if we as women could become more comfortable talking about these issues with one another. Now that I know how incredible vaginal rejuvenation really is, I’m happy to mention it to other women. If one of them is struggling with the same issues but has been too embarrassed to talk about it, just like I was, then she can get help too. The fact that we don’t have to deal with the awful symptoms of menopause, that’s something that shouldn’t be kept quiet!

At Clarity, we are a women-owned practice. Our entire staff is made up of women. Every last one of us understands why a woman would be hesitant to seek treatment for such a personal issue. Our staff is extremely professional and very down to earth. We provide a relaxing atmosphere and try our very best to ensure that you feel calm in our office.

So, what are you waiting for? If you are interested in learning more about vaginal rejuvenation, and scheduling your free consultation, contact Clarity Medical Aesthetics today!

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Kati Midgley