Aging is a part of life. As we get older, things change. Hair starts to gray. Fine lines and wrinkles start to form. Age spots start appearing. Fortunately, we don’t have to live with these signs of getting older. There are plenty of ways that we can help you to restore a more youthful appearance and give you back your confidence.

But there are some signs of aging that are not always noticeable, at least not to those around you. Ladies, we are talking about changes “down there”. I’m talking about dryness, laxity, fading orgasm, peeing when you don’t want to. We get these symptoms can be embarrassing to talk about, but know that you are not alone. Over 40% of menopausal women deal with the symptoms of vaginal aging. While common, most women just don’t talk about it and suffer in silence. At Clarity Medical Aesthetics, we are here to help with the Ultra 360 Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment.

Here are 4 reasons why you should give vaginal rejuvenation a try.

1. You’ll No Longer Have to Put Up with the Symptoms of Vaginal Aging

Dealing with the symptoms of vaginal aging is bad enough, but not feeling comfortable enough to talk about can make it worse. Over 40% of menopausal women deal with stress urinary incontinence, vaginal laxity, fading orgasm, and vaginal dryness that can cause painful intercourse. Yet only 20% seek treatment. Why? There are actually a few reasons.

Many women find it embarrassing to talk about. Many feel there just aren’t any treatment options. Or, women just aren’t aware of our treatment called the Ultra 360 Vaginal Rejuvenation treatment. With this treatment, we use the regenerative powers of radio frequency to remodel the delicate tissue both inside and outside the vaginal area.

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2. It’s Quick, Painless, and There’s No Downtime

Many women mistakenly believe that they have some rather unappealing options when it comes to vaginal rejuvenation – surgery or messy creams that don’t actually work. While surgery used to be the only available treatment, we offer an alternative. Vaginal rejuvenation treatment uses radio frequency, which is completely safe and non-surgical treatment.

It’s a virtually painless, quick, in-office treatment with no downtime whatsoever. In fact, you can resume all of your normal activities, and enjoy the results, immediately following your treatments.

3. It’s FDA Cleared

Ultra 360 Vaginal Rejuvenation is FDA cleared. The procedure is simple and safe, and it only takes 3 short 20-minute visits (one time a week for three weeks). The Ultra 360 uses radio frequency to treat delicate tissue. A specialized probe is used to deliver heat intravaginally. The heat stimulates the production of collagen, the tightening of delicate vaginal tissue to increase elasticity, and increases lubrication.

The probe can also be used externally to reverse external signs of aging such as laxity. And we do everything we can to ensure that you are completely comfortable so that you can get the most of your treatments.

4. Simply Put… It Works!

Treating the symptoms of vaginal aging with the Ultra 360 works—it’s as simple as that. While treatment requires three separate appointments over the course of three weeks, the results are evident right after your very first visit. Radio frequency is gentle, but it’s also highly effective.

And because it’s virtually painless, you can leave the office and go about your day as normal. Have errands to run? No problem. That exercise class you have? Go right ahead. You and your partner want to test it out? You’ll both be surprised at just how effective the results can be. Don’t live with vaginal aging, ladies. Take your life back with Ultra 360 Vaginal rejuvenation!

Don’t just take it from me—watch the video below to hear from one of our happy patients!

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Don’t suffer in silence. With our Ultra 360 Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment, you can get your life back and restore your confidence in the process. Treatment can also help to improve intimacy for both you and your partner. To schedule your free consultation and find out how our revolutionary treatment can help you, contact Clarity Medical Aesthetics today!

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Kati Midgley