As of November 3, 2023, Clarity will no longer be offering CoolSculpting. While we pride ourselves on offering the latest and most effective aesthetic treatments, our space at the Dollhouse is limited. This change will allow us to shift our focus entirely towards anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatments for our patients. We appreciate your understanding. — Kati and the Clarity team 

Spring has finally arrived and this means that summer is right around the corner. Within these first four months of the year here at Clarity Medical Aesthetics we are already seeing emerging trends in aesthetic treatments. Here’s the exciting news. The most popular treatments are still on top of everyone’s list.

But that doesn’t mean the medical aesthetics game isn’t changing with innovative treatments. Modern advances in technology have greatly improved how issues on the face and body are addressed. And the best part? Most of the treatments available today are minimally invasive and non-surgical!

At Clarity, we’re on the cutting edge of medical aesthetics treatments, so we have compiled a list of the medical aesthetics trends for 2019. We truly love these treatments and have seen the incredible results they can produce first hand!

1. Neurotoxin Treatments

Injectable treatments, including BOTOX®, Dysport®, and Xeomin®, still remain the most popular injectable treatments today. Also called “wrinkle modulators,” neurotoxin treatments involve the injection of a purified protein that suspend muscle movements temporarily. As a result, fine lines and wrinkles are smoothed, helping to ease their appearance for a younger look.

The trend for neurotoxin treatments is actually that their use is on the rise for younger patients (those aged 18 to 25). Typically, people start getting these injections after they begin to notice the appearance of lines and wrinkles. So, why are more and more younger individuals opting to undergo these injections when these issues aren’t really a concern yet? Younger patients are using treatments like BOTOX® as a preventative measure. By getting injections before lines and wrinkles develop, it’s actually easier to stop them from forming in the first place.

BOTOX before and after

This first time BOTOX user is happy with the subtle, natural changes in her face. She can plan on twice a year to keep a soft, wrinkle free look.

2. Skincare Tools & Products

When your skin is healthy, it gives off a healthy glow. It looks better and feels better. And, it helps you to appear younger as well. The trend today is improving your skin’s health and its overall appearance. We offer medical grade skincare and offer a variety of different treatments designed to help improve the health and appearance of your skin, including microneedling, dermaplaning, and chemical peels.

Microneedling and dermaplaning are types of mechanical peels. Microneedling does “controlled damage” to your skin, which helps to stimulate your body’s natural healing and collagen responses. With dermaplaning, dead skin cells are removed, effectively smoothing the surface of your skin. Chemical peels are solutions that help your skin to shed dead cells and speed up cell regeneration. This allows for deeper absorption of skin care products as well as increasing the production of collagen and elastin.

WATCH: Small Tools, Big Results

In addition to treatments that we can perform, we also offer a variety of different medical grade skin care products that can help you improve the health and appearance of your skin at home. These products can be combined with the procedures we offer as well as incorporated into your daily skin care routine. Skin care products we offer include Cosmedix, Elta MD, and Oxygenetix. We also offer our very own line of medical grade skin care.

READ MORE: Why your skin care doesn’t work and what you should look for instead

3. Energy-Based Treatments

It used to be that if you wanted to tighten and contour your skin, you had to endure invasive surgical procedures. The idea of surgery could turn people away from achieving the tighter, smoother appearance they longed for. What if we told you that there was a way to achieve these goals without surgery?

Radio frequency (RF) energy is sparking the largest growth in 2019. This is due in part to the invention of minimally invasive treatments providing advanced improvements as close to surgical results as possible, such as FaceTite and AccuTite. These treatments use RFAL™ (radio frequency assisted lipolysis) to dissolve fat cells while simultaneously stimulating collagen production for tighter skin. They direct radio frequency energy on the surface of the skin as well as from under it.

Fractora and Morpheus8 use fractional radio frequency to tighten skin and eliminate crepiness. This is accomplished by using a micro-needle handheld device that perforates the skin while also delivering RF energy. This helps to retexturize skin, tighten it, and stimulate collagen production.

CoolSculpting uses cryolipolisis to freeze and destroy fat cells in areas of the body that just won’t respond to diet and exercise. Freezing the fat cells kills them and gets rid of them for good, helping to give you a more sculpted appearance. BodyFX uses RF heat and vacuum to help give your body a more contoured look.

Abdomen before and after

CoolSculpting abdomen results, 12 weeks post treatment, no weight fluctuation

Forma Plus and Exilis are non-ablative treatments that deliver SMART RF energy to areas on the body and face to help tighten skin. These treatments keep the skin at a constant 41 to 43 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the optimal temperature for stimulating collagen and elastin remodeling.

LEARN MORE: Facebook Live – Radio Frequency Treatments

4. IPL and Laser Treatments

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments for sun spots don’t actually use a laser. IPL uses a high intensity of light energy that targets unwanted brown pigments in the skin and destroys them and your body disposes of them naturally. In as little as one to three treatments, sun spots are magically erased.

There are other laser treatments as well, and they can do more than just get rid of the discoloration in your skin. Lasers can effectively help to diminish many of the signs of aging, including lines, wrinkles, spider veins, and age spots. The light passes through your skin, heating it to stimulate collagen production. This helps to tighten and lift your skin, smoothing out unwanted creases.

There are two types of lasers – ablative and non-ablative. Ablative lasers actually pierce the skin causing a controlled visible damage to skin for deeper rejuvenation. Non-ablative lasers don’t involve piercing the skin and are typically used for earlier signs of aging. The great thing about lasers is that they’re minimally invasive, there’s minimal downtime, and it won’t take long before you start seeing results.

5. Hair Regrowth Treatments

Thinning hair is an issue that affects both men and women. The latest trend in hair regrowth is PRP, or platelet rich plasma. This is a 100% natural therapy that uses your own blood to stimulate collagen production, awaken sluggish hair follicles, improve skin tone and texture, and promote healing.

Your blood contains platelets, which are responsible for healing. They can help to stimulate collagen production. In terms of hair treatments, they can also help to stimulate hair regrowth. PRP is combined with microneedling, which perforates the scalp. The PRP is separated from a patient’s blood and then massaged or injected into the scalp. It helps to increase blood flow to damaged or dormant hair follicles. You typically require four treatments. Results begin to show in the first two to three months after treatment, with the greatest results showing between three to six months after treatment.

WATCH: Hair Rejuvenation & PRP Demo

In addition to PRP, we also recommend using a topical minoxidil solution or other topical shampoo/conditioner/serum as a part of your hair rejuvenation therapy.

At Clarity, our number one goal is to provide all of our patients with the latest effective aesthetic and anti-aging treatments. Our combination approach means that we consider all of the tools that we have in our arsenal to improve a specific concern on the face or body. For more information, and to schedule your complimentary consultation, give us a call today!

Please note, results may vary. Your treatment options will be clearly reviewed with our medical professionals during your complimentary consultation.

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Kati Midgley