As of November 3, 2023, Clarity will no longer be offering CoolSculpting. While we pride ourselves on offering the latest and most effective aesthetic treatments, our space at the Dollhouse is limited. This change will allow us to shift our focus entirely towards anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatments for our patients. We appreciate your understanding. — Kati and the Clarity team 

Getting older is inevitable. But just because you get older, that doesn’t mean that you have to like, or live with, the side effects. Unfortunately, many of the side effects that come with getting older are visible on your skin. One of these effects is sagging skin.

As you age, your collagen production slows. At the same time, your skin also begins to lose elasticity. This process is natural, but it can be sped up by external factors such as over exposure to sun and the environment.

While you might be more aware of sagging skin on your face (after all, this part of your body is always visible), it can occur on virtually any other part of your body as well. Skin may sag around your elbows or knees or at your midsection. And aging isn’t the only thing that causes skin to sag. It can also result from other life events, such as weight loss and pregnancy and menopause. Unlike extra weight, you can’t exercise away sagging skin.

Sagging skin is far from fun, and it can cause a significant amount of self-consciousness. Of course, now that the warmer weather is upon us, it’s becoming much harder to find comfortable ways to cover it up. And being self-conscious about it is no way to live.

What if we told you that we could help you to eliminate sagging skin, and elevate your confidence? And what’s more, we can do it in a non-invasive way? At Clarity Medical Aesthetics, we can help you to achieve these goals, improving the appearance of your skin, with Exilis Ultra 360.

What is Exilis ULTRA 360?

Exilis ULTRA 360 is an FDA approved treatment designed to tighten skin. This incredible treatment uses mono-polar radio frequency, which is delivered along with ultrasound technology. The combination of radio frequency and ultrasound technology allows the radio frequency waves to effectively penetrate deep into the fat layer of your tissues. Exilis Ultra 360 heats your skin to 41-43 degrees Celsius (approximately 106-109 degrees Fahrenheit). This temperature is ideal for stimulating the production of new collagen while also stimulating elastin remodeling. At the same time, penetrating into the fat layers of your tissue also allows for the destruction of micro areas of fat cells.

Tightening your skin with Exilis Ultra 360 is both non-invasive and non-surgical. In fact, it is completely painless! We apply a cool mineral oil to the treatment area and the Exilis handpiece is smoothed over the skin. All you will feel is a mild warming sensation. There is absolutely no downtime and you will be able to resume your normal activities after leaving the office. You may notice some redness and swelling immediately following treatment. Redness typically fades within an hour and swelling subsides after a few days.

What Areas Can Exilis ULTRA 360 Treat?

The great thing about Exilis Ultra 360 is that it can be used to treat sagging skin on virtually any area of the face and body. We can provide skin tightening around the eyes, jowls, and your neck. We can also tighten skin on the arms, upper back (bra fat), lower back, abdomen, buttocks, knees and thighs. If mild to moderate skin sagging is affecting your life, Exilis Ultra 360 may be the solution for you.

The Benefits of Exilis ULTRA 360

There are several incredible benefits to treating loose, sagging skin with Exilis Ultra 360. These benefits include:

  • Non-surgical, non-invasive treatments. Exilis Ultra 360 is designed to stimulate your body’s own natural collagen production and elastin remodeling.
  • Completely painless treatments. You experience little to no discomfort during your treatments.
  • Absolutely no downtime.
  • Results begin to show in as little as two treatments, and they can last up to a year or more.
  • Exilis Ultra 360 can be used on virtually any area of the body. It can be used to treat mild to moderate sagging on all different skin types.

Treatment Protocol

In order to achieve optimal results, it is important to follow treatment protocol. Typically, we recommend a total of 4 to 8 treatments performed at 7 to 14 day intervals. Once your initial treatments have been completed, we do recommend that you have one or two maintenance visits per year in order to maintain your results.

At Clarity, we find treatment with Exilis Ultra 360 to be both excellent on its own, AND as part of a combination treatment therapy to further smooth, contour, and tighten areas on the face and body after treatments such as CoolSculpting, Kybella, and injectable fillers. For more information on Exilis Ultra 360, and to schedule your complimentary consultation, call Clarity Medical Aesthetics today!

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Kati Midgley