Did you spend time outdoors this summer? Running, walking, biking, or boating, if your skin wasn’t covered by fabric, shade, or sunblock, it suffered sun damage. That sun kist glow that made you look “healthy” will sooner or later appear as sun damage that ages you. Were you aware that the vast majority of aging your skin shows comes from its exposure to UV rays from the sun? Long, hot days spent outside show up (on your face and any other exposed skin) as sunspots, new or increased fine lines, melasma, or the worst-case scenario… sagging skin! What is there for you to do? We have options to help reverse that sun damage. Read on to find out what they are!

IPL – Reduce Redness and Sunspots

When your goal is to reduce the appearance of sunspots, hyperpigmentation, or redness on your skin or then one of your best options is IPL or intense pulsed light. This can work wonders and give your skin a refreshed appearance in very little time. Each treatment can lighten the imperfections, giving you a younger, brighter complexion.

READ MORE: Why IPL (Intense Pulse Light) is Still the Gold Standard

Microneedling – Improve Texture and Tone

Microneedling – the process of tiny needles perforating skin causing controlled damage to the skin and works to correct texture and tonal issues on the skin. As the skin heals, it sloughs off taking damage with it. This process is simple and can give your skin a more even appearance with very little downtime. The improvement is usually visible within 3-5 days of the treatment. Multiple treatments may be needed to address deeper skin concerns.

Chemical Peels – Help Reverse the Effects of the Sun

The process of applying various acids in varying strengths customized to address different damage. This process helps to shed damaged skin cells and promote new healthy skin cell turnover.  New, healthy skin is revealed after the healing process of each chemical peel.

Smooth the Texture of Sun-Damaged Skin with Injected Radio Frequency

Do you want to see what kind of results you can get with a combination of these procedures? Then you want to turn to Fractora and Morpheus as options. What they do is a combination of radiofrequency and micro-needling, where the needles put tiny holes in your skin, while delivering the radio frequency that is known to boost collagen production, improve the laxity of the skin, and improve the texture you feel when you touch your skin.

You Can Also Take Your Skincare Routine Home

There are several medical-grade skincare products that work to give you healthier, younger, smoother skin. You want to find products with ingredients like Vitamins A, C, and E, azelaic acid, and ferulic acid. These ingredients lighten and brighten the skin, while also correcting damage and protecting your skin from future damage. Some of the products that we recommend are Clarity Advanced Retinol, Brightening C serum, and Melasma Emulsion, and Brightening Cream.

The Most Important Advice – Never Go Without Sunscreen

Each and every day that you walk out the door, you should be covered in a layer of sunscreen. You cannot go without it simply because it is a little cloudy outside. The sun’s UV rays still penetrate the clouds and can damage your skin. At Clarity, we highly recommend Elta MD’s line of SPF products that are formulated with zinc. Zinc forms a physical barrier on top of skip which blocks UVA/UVB rays of the sun, preventing future damage to your skin.

READ MORE: Too Much Fun in the Sun this Summer? These 3 Treatments Can Help

Our Approach is Simple

No matter what is going on, if you spend time out in the sun, you need to follow the same simple approach we do here at Clarity. It is this:

Protect – Correct – Maintain – Protect

It really is that simple. If you have damaged skin, there are many options that can help rejuvenate your skin and leave you feeling and looking more youthful, and also more confident. Plus, we can reverse some of the signs of aging for those of us who spent too much time out in the sun before we knew any better. Call us here at Clarity today, and let us help you achieve the younger, healthier look you have been going for.

Please note, results may vary. Your treatment options will be clearly reviewed with our medical professionals during your complimentary consultation.

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Kati Midgley