As of November 3, 2023, Clarity will no longer be offering CoolSculpting. While we pride ourselves on offering the latest and most effective aesthetic treatments, our space at the Dollhouse is limited. This change will allow us to shift our focus entirely towards anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatments for our patients. We appreciate your understanding. — Kati and the Clarity team 

The holidays are fast approaching and this is the high season for aesthetic treatments. After all, who doesn’t want to look their best at all of those holiday parties? In the spirit of the season, we asked our staff what treatments and products they’re most grateful for and why. Here’s what they had to say.


I’m a PA-C, and have over 20 years of experience in medical aesthetics. I’m all about producing results that are completely natural-looking. I want to make sure you still look like you…only better. I’m a bit of a perfectionist, and it’s my goal to address your concerns and provide you with the best results possible in a safe, comfortable environment.

Favorite treatment: PRP for hair

My favorite treatment is PRP for hair, because hair loss is never sexy. Plus, PRP is 100% natural. It’s a unique treatment that uses a sample of your own blood to help stimulate natural regrowth of your hair. The treatment involves the use of microneedling, which uses a multi-needle tool that perforates your scalp. This triggers your body’s own healing response. PRP provides additional platelets, which are responsible for healing and growth. Typically, we do four separate treatments, which are performed at 6-week intervals. While results vary from person to person, hair regrowth can be seen as soon as six weeks.

PRP for hair loss prep

Here’s me prepping for my PRP for hair loss appointment.

Want to see how PRP for hair loss works?
Watch me receive the treatment myself!

Favorite product: Clarity microdermabrasion exfoliating scrub

I love Clarity’s microdermabrasion exfoliating scrub. This is a gentle exfoliant that’s excellent for helping you to get smoother, brighter skin. I use it any time my skin feels a little rough and needs some smoothing.


I’ve been with Kati for a long time, working with her to help people achieve an improved appearance and greater confidence. At Clarity, I do a lot of the behind-the-scenes work, including special events planning and marketing. You’ll find me greeting, scheduling appointments and talking with patients, too!

Favorite treatment: Sculptra

Dermal fillers are injectable treatments that help to restore lost volume, plumping your skin and eliminating the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. There are many different types of dermal fillers available. I swear by Sculptra. Without this, I would look like a skeleton, or as I like to say “skeletor” – old, tired, and drawn. Sculptra is pretty much the closest thing to a facelift in a bottle. It helps to restore fullness and stimulates your body’s natural collagen growth gradually over the course of three treatments.

I like that I don’t go from zero to 60. Instead, it’s a very subtle, gradual improvement over time. Sculptra is excellent for replacing lost volume, correcting asymmetry, reversing temporal hollowing, and rebuilding collagen production. And, the results of this dermal filler can last as long as two and a half years!

Favorite product: Clarity Light and Tight

Clarity Light and Tight works to reactivate collagen in your skin, helping it to feel firmer and more supple. I use this product morning and night. I like that it keeps my skin feeling a little tighter and brighter.


I met Kati about 10 years ago when we working together. After I got my make-up certification, I started working with MAC cosmetics as a professional make-up artist. Now, I have my own freelance makeup artistry company. One of my specialties as a make-up artist is hiding the signs of aesthetic treatments that you’ve had done. At Clarity, I work as the patient care coordinator, helping patients secure appointments, maintaining their loyalty accounts,  relaying post treatment care info and of course masking the signs of aesthetic treatments!

Favorite treatment: BOTOX®

BOTOX is an injectable treatment that works to reduce and eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It’s a form of botulinum toxin A. Sounds scary, but it’s actually very safe. It’s a purified protein that works to disrupt signals from nerves to muscles in your face. This prevents the muscles from contracting. Because of this, your skin smooths out, and the wrinkles disappear. I love BOTOX because it keeps me looking young. The results are completely natural, and it provides instant gratification. It typically takes only a few days to notice results.

BOTOX before and after

Behold the power of BOTOX! This is a before and after of one of our Clarity patients.

Favorite product: Correction pads

Clarity’s corrections pads are a top seller! These incredible pads help to exfoliate and brighten, improving your skin tone and texture. I like the correction pads because they’re like a peel without the downtime. Using this product helps to keep my skin tone even and my pores tight.


I worked alongside Kati at the Connecticut Weight and Wellness Center, and have over 30 years of experience in treating patients. At Clarity, I perform nearly every aesthetic treatments we offer with the exception of injectable treatments. These treatments include chemical peels, hair rejuvenation with PRP, CoolSculpting, Laser and IPL, Fractora, BodyFX, Exilis and Ultra Fem radio frequency skin rejuvenation.

Favorite treatment: Fractora for face

Fractora is a treatment regimen that uses fractionated radio frequency waves. A handheld micropin device perforates the skin while radio frequency waves penetrate deep into the skin. These waves heat the tissue, which stimulates your body’s natural collagen production. It’s a great treatment for safely and effectively reducing wrinkles, improving texture, and rejuvenating your skin. I love this treatment for my face. It has completely restored my skin after years of sun abuse. It’s like I’ve hit a reset button!

liquid facelift

Elissa, before and after her Fractora treatment plus a liquid facelift!

Favorite product: Elta MD facial sunscreen

The Elta MD facial sunscreen is perfect for me and I love it. After all, I need to protect my skin now that I’ve restored it. This product is also perfect for dry and sensitive skin, particularly following treatments like laser procedures, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels.


In talking with Kati as a Clarity patient, I started my career in medical aesthetics—helping clients take care of and repair their skin and body. As a former worshipper of the sun, I understand just what kind of damage it can do, and I want to help patients in the same ways that Clarity has helped me. I’m an RN with 30 years of experience in the medical field, and perform a variety of treatments at Clarity, including both chemical and mechanical peels, PRP/PRF for both skin and hair, CoolSculpting, radio frequency treatments, and vaginal rejuvenation.

Favorite treatment: CoolSculpting

With the temperature dropping, the last thing you probably want to do is be exposed to something cold. But CoolSculpting is well worth the exception. This incredible treatment literally freezes away fat from trouble spots that just don’t want to budge, no matter how well you eat and how much you exercise. It’s not a weight loss solution, but it is a great, nonsurgical alternative to liposuction. It can be used to treat just about any area on the body.

The fat cells are killed when they are frozen, and are flushed out of your body naturally. And they don’t come back, as long as you maintain your healthy lifestyle. Results can be seen as soon as three weeks after treatment with the most dramatic results appearing two to three months later. Additional effects of CoolSculpting can show up to three months later as the body continues flushing out dead fat cells. This treatment really works. I eat well, and I work out. But I still needed something to smooth my problem areas. CoolSculpting was it.

Favorite product: Latisse

Latisse is an FDA approved topical treatment that works to grow your lashes longer, fuller, and darker. Before I started using Latisse, I had absolutely no eyelashes. Now, I get compliments on them!

The holidays will be here before you know it. If you’re dreading family and other social gatherings because you’re not wholly confident in your appearance, we can help. To schedule your free consultation and find out the best treatments and solutions for your needs, contact Clarity Medical Aesthetics today.

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Kati Midgley