Your skin goes through a lot. It’s exposed to the open air (including all manner of pollution and impurities), the sun’s rays, free radicals, harsh soaps and so much more. All of these things can have significant effects on your skin, causing uneven skin tone, uneven texture, sun spots, acne, wrinkles, and a ton of other issues.

Let’s face it – when the skin is plagued with these issues, it can cause a major drop in confidence. You’ve probably tried all manner of products to help improve your skin’s appearance, but you just haven’t been able to achieve the results you want. I get it, and it can be extremely frustrating. You want results, but you don’t want to undergo invasive cosmetic procedures.

Clarity is here to help! Ever hear the expression “good things come in small packages?” Well, what if we told you that we can use small tools to achieve BIG results? Sounds pretty good right? We’ve got five small tools that can help you achieve the results you’ve been looking for.


At Clarity, we offer several treatments to help you achieve beautifully vibrant, healthy skin. One of the most popular types of treatments we offer is a mechanical peel. Microneedling is a type of mechanical peel that uses a sterile multineedle head to perforate your skin, causing “controlled damage.” When this happens, your body sends extra growth factors to the damaged skin to help the skin heal and build collagen.

Following your treatment, Oxygenetix, a type of “medical makeup,” can be used to camouflage redness, moisturize, and protect with SPF. Results occur gradually, and you may require several treatments, but microneedling helps to tighten and improve crepey appearance of skin, restoring a more youthful radiance.

Below is a video of microneedling in action. In this case, I combined it with PRF to provide an incredible improvement in skin tone, texture, pore size, fine lines and overall tightness. And I amped up the treatment with a little Fractora, which is microneedling and radio frequency. Adding radio frequency energy to this already powerful, results-driven treatment will maximize heat absorption into the tissue. Heating the deep tissue with energy stimulates collagen and blood flow.

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Dermaplaning is another type of mechanical peel. This mechanical peel uses a sterile blade-like tool that we drag over the surface of your skin. This effectively removes dead surface skin cells as well as fine facial hair. The procedure is completely painless and very simple.

Once your treatment is complete, your skin may be a little red, but this color typically subsides within an hour. Much like with microneedling, Oxygenetix can be used to cover over the redness while providing moisture and SPF protection.

The results of dermaplaning are noticeable right away. Your skin is softer, smooth tone and texture are revealed, and those small facial hairs sometimes called “peach fuzz” are gone. You immediately enjoy a more youthful glow. * An added bonus is any makeup applied lies smoothly on skin., this is the perfect treatment before a special event too!


A dermaroller is a handheld rolling device that is covered in tiny needles. The idea is to roll the tool over your skin to perforate it and trigger the body’s healing response. Dermarolling is performed in the comfort of your own home.

Before you begin, you should prep your skin by using a rubbing alcohol. If you are new to this type of treatment, icing your skin can also be really helpful. We recommend a half dropper of our Light and Tight Hyaluronic Acid serum on the area of the skin to be treated. The roller can be used on your cheeks, lips, chin, forehead, and your neck. It can safely be done a few times a week to help you achieve the desired results. Dermarolling can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, reduce the size of enlarged pores, and diminish hyperpigmentation. This is a perfect adjunct to ANY skincare products you are using as this helps them absorb deeper into skin.

Extractor Tool

We tend to think of blackheads and whiteheads as teenage problems. Many of us grew up with the preconceived notion that once we hit our 20s, all of the acne and other issues would simply disappear. What a disappointment to find out that this is far from the case. Blackheads and whiteheads are a pain, and they can affect anyone regardless of age. This is where treatment with an extractor tool can come in handy.

The name “extractor tool” might sound kind of scary, but it’s actually not scary at all. The tool, which is a stainless-steel device with a loop on either end, is designed to clear out clogged pores. Before we clean out your pores, a cleanser is applied and your face is steamed. We then use the extractor tool to apply pressure around the pore, encouraging anything built up inside to come out. The result of extraction is smoother, clearer, and healthier skin. Extractions can also be performed along with a mechanical peel for even better results.

Microchannel Mesotherapy Device

Microchannel mesotherapy is a type of treatment that involves the use of a microneedle tool with needles that are thinner than a strand of human hair. The tool is used to deliver things like neurotoxins and dermal fillers below the surface of the skin around the eyes, around the mouth, on the forehead, or on other parts of the body such as the backs of your hands or your décolletage.

It can be used to deliver BOTOX® (also sometimes called MicroBotox), for smoother skin, even tone, and reduced pore size. It can be used to deliver hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, which can aid in plumping and hydrating the skin for an improved glow. It can also be used to deliver PRP/PRF to stimulate collagen growth and restore the overall appearance of your skin. This treatment can be added to any other treatment as an added boost.

At Clarity, we believe that the best results happen with a combination of different treatment therapies and proper at-home skin care. For more information, and to schedule your free consultation, contact Clarity Medical Aesthetics today!

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Kati Midgley