Lip injections have become an increasingly popular treatment. They provide patients with a treatment option to augment what Mother Nature gave whether that be thin lips, asymetrical lips or loss of detail (typical as we age). If you’re self-conscious about your smile, you may have considered the treatment yourself. While lip injections involve the use of fillers, which are minimally invasive, this treatment is no laughing matter. Choosing an experience provider is crucial. The treatment is a process, and skipping a step along the way can lead to less than perfect results. At Clarity, we want you to understand what’s involved during the process of lip injections and what to expect every step of the way so that you get the best results possible.

Find an Expert

Before you do anything, you need to find an expert injector, like Kati. Conduct a search online and review the websites of several providers. Many providers will post before and after photos on their website so that you can see just what types of results they can produce. This will give you a good idea of the results the provider is able to achieve and if their aesthetic matches your own. It’s important that you like what you see before you start making any phone calls.

Schedule a Consultation

Your next step is to schedule a consultation. During your consultation, you will be given an opportunity to discuss the goals you have for your lips. An honest injector will tell you whether or not your goals are in harmony with your facial anatomy. For example, very thin lips on a small face are best suited for a subtle enhancement performed over time. Expert injectors have a keen eye for assessing your facial features and what types of fillers will provide you with the best results. If you are happy with your consultation and decide to move forward, your “before” photos are taken.

At the Time of Your Treatment

When you come in for your treatment, you will be given the option of a topical anesthetic OR  an injection of nerve-blocking agent (such as lidocaine)  both meant to keep you comfortable throughout your procedure. Your filler is injected using a very thin needle according to your customized treatment plan. Ice is provided immediately following your injections. This is done to help minimize the amount of swelling and bruising you experience.

READ MORE: Dermal Fillers and Neurotoxins 101: What You Need to Know

After Your Treatment

After your treatment, YOUR LIPS WILL BE SWOLLEN. Unfortunately, there is no way around this fact. And, bruising is also possible. We are sticking needles in your lips, one of the most vascular areas on your body. It’s actually very common to hate your lips until the swelling goes down. Swelling can be disproportionate and is usually at its worst the following morning. It can take 2 to 3 days for your swelling to go down, although it’s not uncommon for some swelling to linger for about 2 weeks. Ice packs can help. However, it’s important to avoid applying significant pressure to your lips. You should keep your lips clean and avoid excessive touching and being overly expressive with your mouth, we want your filler to seat properly.

Schedule Your Follow Up

The last step of your lip injection treatment is to schedule a follow-up. Your follow-up is the time for you to assess what you liked, if you want a bit more enhancement, or if there is an asymmetry that you want to be addressed. We will also take your “after” photos. You’ll be able to see these photos right next to the “before” photos that were taken during your initial consultation. Seeing these pictures side by side will allow you to really see the difference. It’s amazing just how quickly you forget what you looked like before your treatment!

Lip injections can help to completely transform your lips, but it is a process. It’s important that you don’t skip any steps. Doing so could lead to a less desirable result than you expected. You also don’t want lip injections done by just anyone. As we mentioned earlier, the lips are very vascular, a trained injector like Kati can recognize when something doesn’t look quite right and take steps to rectify the situation immediately. For more information about lip injections, and to schedule your FREE consultation, contact Clarity today!

Please note, results may vary. Your treatment options will be clearly reviewed with our medical professionals during your complimentary consultation.

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Kati Midgley