Thinking about getting dermal fillers? They can be the perfect solution to a recessed chin, a sunken cheeks, thin lips, and much, much more. Fillers can do a lot for you—inside and out. If you’ve always been bothered by, say, your lips or your nose or just feel like your face is looking a bit worse for wear, dermal fillers can be just the cure. These injectables lift and add volume to areas of your face to turn those problem areas around. If you’re interested in dermal fillers but aren’t quite ready to commit, here are three things you should know that might get you to hop off the fence.


With surgery and some other methods of dealing with aging skin, there’s ample downtime. You have to go through a recovery phase and it’s a pain—in more ways than one. With dermal fillers, that’s not an issue. There’s virtually no downtime at all. You can get dermal fillers and go right back to work. The treatment is also pretty much painless. Our dermal fillers contain a numbing agent that works instantly. And, if you’re really afraid of needles we can apply a topical numbing agent to keep you very comfortable throughout your treatment.

The only thing your provider might tell you to avoid is vigorous exercise for about six hours following your treatment. So, unless you’re a fitness junkie, it won’t be too hard to avoid the gym for a few hours after you’ve gotten dermal fillers.


While dermal fillers don’t last forever, they can last for up to a year or even a year and a half. It all depends on your age, the depth of your wrinkles, the treated area, and what you’re looking for. Now, a year may not seem like a very long time, but think about it, having dermal filler isn’t much different than your yearly visit to the dentist or doctor. Couple this with no recovery time and having an annual filler date isn’t a big deal—especially when you consider the incredible results a good provider can achieve.

Clarity lips before and after

3. dermal fillers are completely safe

Many studies have been done on dermal fillers, and they all come to the same conclusion—fillers are completely safe. (Just make sure you always go to a trained, licensed professional!) So safe, in fact, that I’ve written a whole blog about it.

You might be wondering about allergic reactions and infections. Fortunately, very, very few reactions have been reported. And because the treatment is non-surgical, infections are extremely rare as well, so no need to be concerned.

Side effects are also really uncommon. And even if you do experience any side effects, they last just a few days. You might see some bruising, have a bit of redness, feel some itching, or the area could feel a little tender, but that’s usually it.

Bottom line, dermal fillers are a simple solution to improving problem areas and looking a heck of a lot younger. Take a look at a photo from a few years ago. That’s the face you’ll be getting back! If you’re interested in dermal fillers but still have questions, check out my Facebook Live Q&A on the topic or schedule your complimentary consultation today!

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Kati Midgley