As of November 3, 2023, Clarity will no longer be offering CoolSculpting. While we pride ourselves on offering the latest and most effective aesthetic treatments, our space at the Dollhouse is limited. This change will allow us to shift our focus entirely towards anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatments for our patients. We appreciate your understanding. — Kati and the Clarity team 

The New Year is here, and we’re smack in the middle of winter. It’s cold outside and summer feels like a million years away. Even so, it’ll sneak up on you faster than you realize, leaving you scrambling to get your body ready for swimsuit season. Don’t let this be you!

You live a busy life. You’ve got your job, your family, and a million other obligations. Maybe you don’t have the time to hit the gym like you want to. Or, maybe you have been hitting the gym, but no matter what you do, you’ve still got some trouble spots that just won’t go away. So, how do you get your summer body ready this winter? CoolSculpting.

Summer Bodies are Made in Winter

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary nonsurgical treatment that can help to eliminate areas of unwanted fat. How does this work? By freezing the fat cells. Sounds crazy, right? But, actually, it’s science. Fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than the rest of the surrounding tissues. With CoolSculpting, we’re able to target the exact problem areas and gently freeze the fat cells, which kills them. Your body then naturally gets rid of the dead cells, leaving a smoother, more sculpted you.

Results from CoolSculpting can be seen as soon as 4 weeks after your initial treatment with the most dramatic results seen in 3 months. You may continue to see results after treatment as the dead cells continue to flush out of your body. It’s the perfect winter treatment to get your body ready for the summer.

And, in addition to being nonsurgical, CoolSculpting is also virtually painless and there’s no downtime. You can go about your normal daily life immediately after your CoolSculpting treatment without the need for any downtime.

The Top 5 Summer Body Challenges That CoolSculpting Solves

1. Muffin Top

A muffin top might be a tasty treat, but it’s also a term used to describe the area of fat around your middle, right above the waistband of your jeans. This stubborn area of fat is also sometimes referred to as love handles. Once fat settles here, it can be quite difficult to get rid of, no matter how many oblique or ab exercises you do. In some cases, the muscles in these areas can actually push the fat cells out, worsening the appearance of the muffin top.

CoolSculpting will target this problem area to effectively freeze away the fat cells. Your jeans will fit better and you don’t have to worry about fat bulging out over the waist.

CoolSculpting muffin top before and after

CoolSculpting muffin top/flank treated, 12 weeks post treatment

2. Belly Fat

Belly fat, like muffin top, can be difficult to get rid of. You might be doing everything you can think of, from sit ups and crunches to planks to running, but nothing seems to be getting you any closer to the flat stomach you’ve been hoping for. The problem is, while you might be strengthening those abs, belly fat covers up all of your hard work. CoolSculpting can help to eliminate the stubborn belly fat, revealing a flatter, more sculpted abdominal area.

Abdomen before and after

CoolSculpting abdomen results, 12 weeks post treatment, no weight fluctuation

3. Outer Thighs

Thighs are a common problem area for many women. Extra fat on the outer thighs is sometimes referred to as saddlebags, and it can be a significant source of self-consciousness. The fat that accumulates on the outer thighs gives your bottom a wider appearance, and can make the thought of wearing shorts or a swimsuit unbearable. Exercise, particularly cardio, and a healthy diet are often recommended to tone the glutes and get rid of saddlebags. But sometimes these exercises just aren’t enough. Enter CoolSculpting. This treatment can help eliminate your unwanted saddlebags, giving your thighs a more contoured appearance.

4. Inner Thighs

The outer thighs aren’t the only area of the thighs to collect pockets of unwanted fat. The inner thighs can be just as troublesome. In addition to being unsightly and incredibly stubborn to contour, fat on the inner thighs can cause uncomfortable chafing. Genetics determines how and where your body stores fat, and unfortunately the inner thighs are a common problem area that plagues a lot of women. CoolSculpting can help give your inner thighs a thinner, more appealing appearance that can make wearing shorts and swimsuits a lot easier.

5. Double Chin

Ah, the dreaded double chin. It can make you look years older than you really are. It can take definition away from your jawline. It can affect anyone, regardless of shape or size. And unlike some of the other trouble spots on the body, a double chin can’t be exercised away. CoolSculpting is a great treatment for getting rid of a double chin because of the location of the fat. It’s easy to pull away and freeze, which aids in producing the desired results. In just a few short months, you’ll see a reduction in your double chin and a great improvement in your profile. And, getting rid of that double chin will help to take a few years off of your appearance!

Double chin before and after

Double chin results after 3 overlapping cycles of CoolSculpting mini

Get Your Summer Body in Shape at Clarity

Clarity has the latest generation of CoolSculpting applicators. These applicators require less time per cycle and are much more comfortable, which helps to greatly improve your experience. Each member of our staff has received extensive training at the CoolSculpting University in Virginia. We also offer our patients automatic entry into our exclusive Clarity CoolClub. With this membership, you purchase six cycles of CoolSculpting and receive incredible savings on any additional cycles! There’s no limit and no expiration. For more information about CoolSculpting, and to schedule your complimentary consultation, contact Clarity today!

Please note, results may vary. Your treatment options will be clearly reviewed with our medical professionals during your complimentary consultation.
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Kati Midgley