As of November 3, 2023, Clarity will no longer be offering CoolSculpting. While we pride ourselves on offering the latest and most effective aesthetic treatments, our space at the Dollhouse is limited. This change will allow us to shift our focus entirely towards anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatments for our patients. We appreciate your understanding. — Kati and the Clarity team

When it comes to body sculpting options and fat reduction, CoolSculpting and its counterparts are relatively new and haven’t been around as long as other procedures, such as liposuction, with more longevity in the market. The idea of a non-invasive procedure that reduces stubborn fat cells in multiple areas sounds great, right? Celebrities have done it and so have millions of other men and women around the world.  But how do these procedures work? Are there risks? And is it worth it? Keep reading, and we will tell you everything you need to know.

CoolSculpting was the first of the non-invasive fat reduction procedure to the market and has been around the longest. Since it has the most time and proven results behind it, it is the treatment we offer at Clarity. We do however, want to take a minute to introduce our readers to the other options available, and talk about how they compare to CoolSculpting.

Like the name would suggest, CoolSculpting uses the application of extreme cold to freeze areas of  unwanted fat on the body. It is not a weight loss solution and is intended for people who have pockets of fat resistant to diet and exercise on areas like the abdomen, flanks, upper arms and inner and outer thighs. It is completely safe and has been FDA cleared since 2010.

READ: CoolSculpting: You asked, we answered

Emsculpt, works to increase muscle mass. It utilizes electromagneti energy to sculpt and tone the muscles in the abodomen and buttocks.

SculpSure uses laser heat to destroy fat cells in pockets on most areas of the body.

Is one better than the other? Let’s dig into that below.

More About How CoolSculpting Works?

A CoolSculpting cycle, the application of the device to one area of the body, can last anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes. A CoolSculpting session, the grouping of multiple cycles to sculpt a particular area on the body, can last as little as 90 minutes to several hours. The patient will typically be comfortable during the treatment, but you may feel some discomfort with the changes in the temperature between cycles and the short massage after each cycle.

READ: The Ultimate Checklist for your CoolSculpting Consultation

The frozen fat cells have essential freezed to death and will be naturally eliminated over the next several weeks and months. CoolSculpting results are typically seen in about the same time as the more invasive procedures. Most patients start to see results around 8 weeks but for some it can take as many as 12 weeks. Since the procedure eliminates around  20% of the fat in the treated area, many patients choose to have additional sessions after their first treatment. The second treatment can be done as little as eight weeks after the first.

At Clarity, we have personally provided hundreds of CoolScuplting treatments with amazing results. Patients have lost unwanted, exercise resistant, fat and have seen incredible results.

What Can You Expect from SculpSure?

SculpSure uses light-based technology to target fat cells with laser heat for destruction, similar to how CoolScuplting uses cold to freeze them. Similarly to CoolSculpting there is no downtime with SculpSure and you can return to normal activity once the procedure is complete. The treatment lasts just under a half-hour and promises to destroy up to 24% of the fat cells that have been treated.

Every person is different, and this is going to affect how many treatments you need. For more information, you would need to talk to a provider. SculpSure promise similar results in a similar time frame to CoolScuplting and also may require more than one treatment to attain your ideal results.

How is Emsculpt different?

Emsculpt uses electromagnetic energy to trigger muscle contraction. This treatment is geared towards building muscle, not eliminating fat. Like the others, it boasts no downtime. The ideal patient is physically fit to begin with and wishes to boost their muslce definition. This treatment can take up to four treatments and builds muscle fibers by approximately 10%.

So What’s the Verdict?

The best thing you can do with any of these procedure to remain realistic. A healthy diet and a healthy attitude are needed. None of these procedures are going to make your whole body look different in one or two sessions, and it is vital to keep that in mind.

READ: The Most Popular CoolSculpting Questions—Answered

If you are interested in learning more about CoolScuplting or seeing if you are a good fit, schedule a consultation. We will sit down with you, look at your figure and determine if your trouble areas are something that can be adjusted with CoolScuplting.

Please note, results may vary. Your treatment options will be clearly reviewed with our medical professionals during your complimentary consultation.

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Kati Midgley