Summer Skin Care: Everything You Need to Know to Get Glowing

Summer Skin Care: Everything You Need to Know to Get Glowing

It’s getting hot out there! Summer is in full swing, and increased heat and humidity can make a big difference when it comes to your skin — especially in the age of face masks. The trifecta of hot temps, humid air, and covering your face with fabric can lead to...
Facebook Live Recap: Reversing the Sins of Summer

Facebook Live Recap: Reversing the Sins of Summer

Sun damage strikes almost everyone. So, what can you do about the effects of the sun, such as sun spots, crepey skin, and more? For my recent Facebook Live Q&A, I gave my expert tips on reversing the sins of summer. Scroll down for a list of the questions I...
Too Much Fun in the Sun this Summer? These 3 Treatments Can Help

Too Much Fun in the Sun this Summer? These 3 Treatments Can Help

Summer is finally coming to a close. The weather is starting to cool off, which means more clothes and less time outside. While the beach trips, hiking excursions, and outdoor family time have left you with some fond memories, the summer sun can leave your skin with...
Think Tanning Beds Are Safe? Think Again!

Think Tanning Beds Are Safe? Think Again!

The spring and summer months are just around the corner. With the warmer weather approaching, the sweaters and long pants will soon be put back into the closet in favor of tank tops and shorts. Soon, you’ll be bombarded by images of sun-kissed models everywhere you...