Facebook Live Recap: Show Me Your Face

Facebook Live Recap: Show Me Your Face

Consultations at Clarity are always complimentary. And here’s why—consultations are meant to inform. We want our potential clients to feel 100% comfortable about the treatments we recommend for their specific challenges, and to know that they are being heard and...
Combination Treatments – Why Two (or More) is Better Than One

Combination Treatments – Why Two (or More) is Better Than One

As of November 3, 2023, Clarity will no longer be offering CoolSculpting. While we pride ourselves on offering the latest and most effective aesthetic treatments, our space at the Dollhouse is limited. This change will allow us to shift our focus entirely towards...
4 Things You Didn’t Know BOTOX® Could Treat

4 Things You Didn’t Know BOTOX® Could Treat

We all know the name BOTOX®. In fact, just hearing the name brings to mind an injectable liquid designed to reduce, and even eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. There are tons people who swear by it (and rightly so!). In technical terms,...
How to Look Years Younger with Eye Rejuvenation

How to Look Years Younger with Eye Rejuvenation

There’s this popular saying that your eyes are the window to your soul. They can reveal so much about you. They can show a whole array of different emotions, even when the rest of your face and body does not. Bright, beautiful eyes can also indicate youth.
 In our...
Dermal Fillers and Neurotoxins 101: What You Need to Know

Dermal Fillers and Neurotoxins 101: What You Need to Know

Does trying to figure out the difference between dermal fillers and neurotoxins leave a permanent furrow in your brow? If you’re considering injectable treatments but don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place! Part of my job is to...