Dermal fillers are one of the most popular aesthetic treatments available. They are used to treat a variety of different trouble spots, including lines, wrinkles, undereye hollows, sunken cheeks, and more. With dermal fillers, you can achieve smoother, younger, plumper looking skin. However, social media has resulted in an increase of pressure for people to get fillers and to get over filled. It’s becoming increasingly more common to see patients with too much filler, an issue that can result in what is known as “pillow face.” More is not better! Here’s what you need to know about pillow face syndrome and what you can do to prevent it.

What is Pillow Face Syndrome?

“Pillow face syndrome” (as referenced by Dr. Shinzo Bay Aguilera, a famous dermatologist in Fort Lauderdale) occurs when too much filler has been injected. The result is a facial appearance that resembles a “fat feline.” This is a widened face with narrowed eyes, overfilled lips, and a pointy chin. It’s a very unnatural facial shape that has become the norm through social media. In fact, many injectors tend to overfill simply because they think it’s the look their patients want. This is why choosing the right injector is so crucial. The best injectors will assess your facial features to best determine your needs. They’ll ask about your goals and discuss realistic results rather than just assume what you want. Don’t be afraid to ask any injector questions about their experience or to see before and after pictures during your consultation.

More is NOT better!

The best fillers provide subtle, natural results. Too much filler changes the shape of your face. Once injected, fillers don’t blend together, they actualLY layer on top of each other. Each time it’s injected, it adds to the previous product placed. Why is this important to know? Sometimes we see patients who bounce around from injector to injector. Not all injectors are skilled at spotting a “filled face”, and place more filler on top of filler, this can lead to your facial shape being altered. Find an injector whose work you admire and trust. Allow this injector the time to work on your goals. Most natural fillers last around 6 months before they begin to break down and absorb into the body. Synthetic fillers have been made to last longer, some lasting as long as 18 months to 2 years. It’s best to wait an appropriate amount of time between injections to help keep you looking like yourself.

In the event of an overfill, some fillers can be reversed. Dermal fillers made using hyaluronic acid (such as Juvederm® and Restylane®) can be broken down with another injection called hyaluronidase. Keep in mind that this antidote eliminates all filler, so you will need to start over from square one. For synthetic dermal fillers (including Radiesse and Sculptra), there are no antidotes. Instead, you will have to wait until the results wear off on their own.

Lumps and Bumps Following Dermal Fillers

Lumps and bumps are a sign that you’ve gone too far! Some mild swelling and bruising are common after filler injections. You may even notice some slight unevenness. A good injector can help to minimize these side effects. Should soft lumps develop, they can generally be massaged to help disperse the filler more evenly. However, too much filler can result in more significant changes. If your skin starts to feel firm, hard, and unnatural, this is a sign that too much filler (or now subsequent scar tissue) has replaced or displaced your own tissue.

READ MORE: Combination Treatments – Why Two (or More) is Better Than One

Kati’s Unique Approach

When it comes to dermal fillers, the best results are practically invisible. They are subtle changes that enhance your natural beauty. There’s no magic amount of filler that will work for every patient. A cookie cutter approach can leave you overfilled and less than satisfied. Kati’s unique approach ensures that you get the best results possible, allowing you to avoid the dreaded pillow face syndrome. During your initial consultation, she will perform a full facial assessment of your bones and underlying structures. This enables us to create a realistic plan and timeline as to what would be appropriate and natural. Kati’s artistic eye and 14 years of experience in facial assessment and injectables will allow you to achieve your optimal results.

Are you interested in learning more about dermal fillers and finding out if they are right for you? Contact Clarity today to schedule your FREE consultation today!

Please note, results may vary. Your treatment options will be clearly reviewed with our medical professionals during your complimentary consultation.

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Kati Midgley