Microneedling, first introduced around 1905,  took until the 1990’s to begin being recommended by dermatologists for skin rejuvenation. While the science behind it is super sound, microneedling has significantly evolved since then.

These days, there are a lot of different options out there for anyone looking to tighten, tone, contour, and dramatically enhance their natural beauty!

In this blog post, we’ll talk about the difference between three leading technologies you’ve probably heard about microneedling, Morpheus8, and Sylfirm X. You’ll learn how they work, what their differences are, and which one(s) may be right for your unique aesthetic needs.

TLDR: Watch Kati and Elissa talk about this very topic during our LIVE from the Dollhouse series.

More About Microneedling

Microneedling works by using small needles to make tiny holes in the top layer of skin.

The theory behind microneedling is that we’re damaging the skin in order to grow more collagen or create neocollagenesis. Collagen is the magical protein that keeps us looking youthful! Like aerating a lawn, we make holes so we can increase the proportion of healthy tissue.

Essentially, our goal is always to take the texture of the skin from crepe paper to construction paper. Crepe paper is thin and wrinkles easily while construction paper is thick and holds its own.

Microneedling is safe for all skin types, textures, and colors. As far as how many treatments you’ll need, you can usually count on one treatment per decade of life. Add an additional treatment if you have a lot of sun damage or other significant skin issues.

But we’ll be honest: standard microneedling is no longer the best option; the newer technologies add radio frequency as a potent tool to enhance results.

Morpheus8: Best for Your Body

Morpheus8 has been all over the news lately, and for good reason! It utilizes radio frequency paired with microneedling to create amazing results for your body.

Here at Clarify we’ve already been using Morpheus8 for six years, so we were way ahead of the trend! While we used to use it for facial treatments, it goes a bit deeper than traditional microneedling and we’ve realized that it’s better for use below the neck.

Morpheus8 is excellent at targeting fat cells and actually goes 4 mm beneath the surface into the deep dermis and superficial fat — so it’s great for reducing very small deposits of fat in your body. It also tightens and helps reduce the look of crepey skin, so it’s terrific for the abdomen, knees, elbows, and arms.

Because Morpheus8 does go deeper, it can affect the fat in your face, and that’s something we definitely don’t want to mess with. Fat in your face is your friend, and we want to keep it intact! Morpheus8 when used to treat the face and neck can be uncomfortable despite our best efforts to minimize the pain.

LEARN MORE about Morpheus8

Next up, let’s look at Sylfirm X.

Sylfirm X’s Superpowers

Sylfirm X is cutting-edge when it comes to helping you achieve that youthful glow and amazing skin texture. This fabulous machine has really blown away the competition in the realm of radio frequency microneedling. It’s the best of the best.

The minimally invasive Sylfirm X system can treat an array of issues including rosacea and melasma (which is normally extremely difficult to treat as it involves hormones).

It also tightens, addresses redness, shrinks pores and generally gets you looking absolutely gorgeous! The pulse wave from the machine allows energy to be captured in the skin — not as much on the skin — which decreases downtime. 

Radio frequency with microneedling is colorblind, so it can even be used over tattoos.

Typically, you’ll need 1 treatment per decade of life (ex: 4 treatments if you are in your forties) to be thrilled with your results!

LEARN MORE about Sylfirm and Exosomes

Minimizing Pain, Maximizing Results

At Clarify, we do our absolute best to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible while undergoing treatment.

Depending on what you’re having done, we provide several pain relief options including a CBD elixir that goes under the tongue, Pro-Nox inhalant (a nitrous and oxygen combination that’s used for women in labor), a powerful topical anesthetic, and a chiller that blows -4 degree cold air onto the area to control the pain.

We promise that any minor discomfort is well worth your incredible results!

Another unique aspect of Clarity’s care is that we offer regenerative medical boosters such as your own platelet rich plasma (PRP) or exosomes with all microneedling treatments. Exosomes are automatically part of all Sylfirm X treatments. Our unique Exosomes regenerative complex contains over 5 billion stem cells derived lyophilized exosomes, growth factors, peptides and more. This significantly speeds healing as well as increases collagen and elastin. 

Clarity’s Unique Process

If you take away one thing from this post, it should be this: microneedling with radiofrequency is the gold standard for improving skin texture and tone.

Here at Clarity, only nurses with years of experience are performing your treatments — not medical assistants. When you meet with a member of our clinical team for a consultation you will receive a full assessment of your skincare, skin integrity, injectables, and energy-based treatment potential.

LEARN MORE: What is Regenerative Medicine, Exactly?

Want to know more? Reach out to schedule an appointment for an assessment. We look forward to helping you achieve your beauty goals!

Please note, results may vary. Your treatment options will be clearly reviewed with our medical professionals during your complimentary consultation.

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Kati Midgley