We’re all searching for the fountain of youth—Hollywood celebs more than ever! If you’ve ever looked at a celebrity and thought, “How does she look so good for her age?!,” you’ve come to the right place.

In case you missed me live, here’s a recap of my recent Facebook Live Q&A all about celebrity faces—who’s had what done, who has done it right…and who hasn’t. Scroll down for some questions I answered and to see the full video!



  • Has Jaclyn Smith had BOTOX? What about dermal filler?
  • How does Christie Brinkley stay so young-looking?
  • What went wrong with Courtney Cox’s dermal fillers and how did she reverse it?
  • Has Jane Fonda had plastic surgery?
  • How has Sculptra been used on J Lo?
  • How does Jennifer Aniston look so natural?
  • Has Reese Witherspoon had anything done at all?
  • What are some of Gwyneth Paltrow’s signs of aging?
  • Why does Melania Trump look so different than she used to?
  • Is Cindy Crawford just naturally beautiful?
  • Has Renée Zellweger had a lot of surgery on her face?
  • What has Cher had done?
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If you’re wondering how to see some of these great results yourself, contact us to schedule your complimentary consultation!
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Kati Midgley