The skin care application routine you need to follow

The skin care application routine you need to follow

Once you know the right skin care products to use, you need to learn how to apply them. Believe it or not, there’s a certain order of application that everyone should follow to ensure that you’re not only getting the most out of your skin care products,...

Combination Therapy – Your Best Route to Turn Back the Clock

Combination Therapy – What is it? Combination therapy quite simply involves using two or more anti-aging treatments to help treat the various signs of aging. There are many factors that contribute to the aging of your face.  Often, loss of volume, lines,...
Beauty Notes to my 20-year-old Self

Beauty Notes to my 20-year-old Self

It’s amazing how the years fly by and how hindsight has 20/20 vision. What would you tell your 20-year-old self if you could? There are so many lessons we learn over the years; who to trust, who to love, what job to take, how to avoid that car accident you got in on...
Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Tips

There is nothing like waking up with a new giant zit! It probably popped up on the day of your wedding, or a job interview or when you are meeting your boyfriend’s parents for the first time! It never fails. Well, I hate to tell you but that pimple has been brewing...