Don’t Let Your Hands Betray Your Age

Don’t Let Your Hands Betray Your Age

Let’s face it, when it comes to preventing the signs of aging, we tend to focus all of our attention on our face. You probably have a very well regimented facial care routine including sunscreen, hydrating lotions, serums as well as some professional anti-aging...
The Worst Advice We’ve Ever Heard About Dermal Fillers

The Worst Advice We’ve Ever Heard About Dermal Fillers

Have you ever come across a photo of yourself on social media that one of your “friends” tagged you in without your permission? How is it that they always manage to find the worst possible one? You know, the one that catches you at just the wrong angle that makes you...

Combination Therapy – Your Best Route to Turn Back the Clock

Combination Therapy – What is it? Combination therapy quite simply involves using two or more anti-aging treatments to help treat the various signs of aging. There are many factors that contribute to the aging of your face.  Often, loss of volume, lines,...
Royalty Came to Clarity!

Royalty Came to Clarity!

What a week we have had at Clarity! We had the extreme privilege of hosting a Master Class for Sculptra Aesthetic. Dr. Danny Vleggaar came from Geneva Switzerland to share his knowledge about the product. He is one of the world’s experts in the product. We...

Liquid Face Lift Facial Contouring

The sad truth is that we start to lose collagen and elastin in our 30’s! Each decade we lose another 5-10% of our volume! Add in environmental factors, bad habits and genetics and it almost seems hopeless. This loss of volume contributes to sagging, wrinkles,...