You probably know that Botox is amazing for treating lines and wrinkles and other signs of aging, but did you know it can also treat jaw pain, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain? 

Jaw pain can be a serious hassle — affecting your ability to chew, talk, and even sleep. 

The TMJ is the joint that connects your mandible, or lower jaw, to your skull. The joint is located on both sides of your head in front of your ears. It allows your jaw to open and close, enabling you to speak and eat. Obviously, it’s pretty important! 

Many people suffer from troubling TMJ pain, and the COVID epidemic has caused an increase in those dealing with this issue. 

According to The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, more than 10 million Americans are affected. Symptoms include headaches, pressure, pain, and difficulty opening and closing the mouth. 

What Causes TMJ Pain?

The truth is, we don’t always know what causes a TMJ disorder. It can be a whole array of different problems or scenarios.

Trauma to the jaw or joint can definitely play a role. There are also other health conditions that may contribute to the development of TMJD. 

These include: 

  • Arthritis 
  • Erosion of the joint 
  • Habitual grinding or clenching of the teeth (often during sleep)
  • Structural jaw problems present at birth 

Other factors that are often associated with TMJ disorder include:

  • Prolonged stress (over 8 months of COVID pandemic/quarantine = lots of stress!) 
  • Poor diet 
  • Lack of sleep 
  • The use of orthodontic braces 
  • Poor posture that strains the muscles of the neck and face

Botox As a TMJ Solution

Here’s where Botox comes in: this neurotoxin protein is a treatment option to relieve symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. If other treatments haven’t proven successful, Botox is an excellent, easy option. 

One 2012 study found that Botox in TMJ patients could reduce pain and increase mouth opening for up to three months following treatment. 

So how does the treatment process work? The procedure is non-surgical, quick, and can be performed right in the office. Each treatment session lasts between 10 and 30 minutes. 

Botox is effective because it temporarily limits the movement of muscles that can lead to TMJ pain. 

READ MORE: 7 Benefits of BOTOX® That Will Change Your Mind

As far as how long Botox treatments take to work, some improvement can be felt within a day or two, but it usually takes several days to feel significantly better. You’ll be pain-free — chewing and smiling in no time! 

Side Effects and Post-Treatment Care

Let’s talk about the side effects. The process is relatively painless. Some patients might feel a slight pinprick from the needle, but ice can usually ease any discomfort. Other side effects are generally uncommon but can include headache, respiratory infection, flu-like symptoms, nausea, or a temporary eyelid droop.

Others include pain, redness, or bruising around the injection, as well as muscle weakness.

In other excellent news, you can return to your normal activities right after receiving Botox treatment — there’s no downtime. But you should remain upright and avoid rubbing or massaging the injection sites for several hours after treatment. (This helps prevent the toxin from spreading to other muscles.)

Bottom line: if you’re dealing with TMJ issues, Botox might be the miracle cure you need! Kati has extensive expertise that can help you address your pain. Schedule a consultation today to get started!

Please note, results may vary. Your treatment options will be clearly reviewed with our medical professionals during your complimentary consultation.

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Kati Midgley