Liquid Face Lift Facial Contouring

The sad truth is that we start to lose collagen and elastin in our 30’s! Each decade we lose another 5-10% of our volume! Add in environmental factors, bad habits and genetics and it almost seems hopeless. This loss of volume contributes to sagging, wrinkles,...
Beauty Notes to my 20-year-old Self

Beauty Notes to my 20-year-old Self

It’s amazing how the years fly by and how hindsight has 20/20 vision. What would you tell your 20-year-old self if you could? There are so many lessons we learn over the years; who to trust, who to love, what job to take, how to avoid that car accident you got in on...
The Rear-View Mirror

The Rear-View Mirror

Imagine yourself driving on a beautiful, warm sunny day. You lift your head to embrace the sun through the window and then it happens. You catch a glimpse of your forehead in the rear view mirror! You might be surprised, but this is the most common place women obsess...
Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Tips

There is nothing like waking up with a new giant zit! It probably popped up on the day of your wedding, or a job interview or when you are meeting your boyfriend’s parents for the first time! It never fails. Well, I hate to tell you but that pimple has been brewing...