5 Small Skin Care Tools That Make You Look Younger

5 Small Skin Care Tools That Make You Look Younger

Your skin goes through a lot. It’s exposed to the open air (including all manner of pollution and impurities), the sun’s rays, free radicals, harsh soaps and so much more. All of these things can have significant effects on your skin, causing uneven skin...
The 5 Best Ways to Get Spectacular Lips

The 5 Best Ways to Get Spectacular Lips

Have you ever stood in front of a mirror and just smiled at yourself just to see what you look like? Your smile, including your lips, is an important, prominent feature of your face. These days, having full, shapely lips is a mark of beauty. While some lucky people...
Think Tanning Beds Are Safe? Think Again!

Think Tanning Beds Are Safe? Think Again!

The spring and summer months are just around the corner. With the warmer weather approaching, the sweaters and long pants will soon be put back into the closet in favor of tank tops and shorts. Soon, you’ll be bombarded by images of sun-kissed models everywhere you...