Tighten, smooth, and lift without surgery!

Radio Frequency Facial Rejuvenation
Aging is a natural part of life. Connecticut is the J.Crew of aesthetics. Most of my patients don’t even want to admit to themselves, let alone anyone else that they have had aesthetic treatments. I understand that, so I am always on the lookout for the latest and greatest treatments. You asked for answers to crepey, sagging and wrinkled skin- without surgery! This was no easy task! Get ready to fool your friends and Mother Nature because Clarity Medical Aesthetics is taking aging gracefully to the next level with its newest non-surgical RF treatments.

Here’s the Buzz on RF
RF stands for radio frequency and you are going to want to tune in to hear all about this non-surgical technique that lifts, tightens and smooths the face and body. Radio frequency works by heating the deep layers of the skin to stimulate the formation of new collagen and improve skin’s elasticity for long-lasting improvements to its appearance.

Radio frequency is not new to aesthetic medicine. However, each generation of an RF treatment device advances the technology to produce greater and longer lasting results. If you’ve tried radio frequency treatments in the past and didn’t get the result you desired, that does not mean it is not the right choice for you. It means you didn’t get the right treatment. Radio frequency delivered with the correct combination of treatments corrects aging skin without any significant downtime or recovery.

Clarity welcomes the Inmode Radio Frequency Treatment platform to our practice. The results and reviews have both been positively fabulous. This system boasts a patient satisfaction rating of 96%! Inmode is one of the leading radio frequency platforms on the market today. It combines the most advanced radio frequency technology for multiple modalities including non-laser fractional skin rejuvenation, skin tightening, fat and cellulite reduction with long lasting results.

Who is a Candidate for Radio Frequency Facial Rejuvenation?
You are! Radio frequency is a fantastic alternative to other more invasive treatments, or an adjunct treatment to enhance your results.

You are a candidate if…

1. You are not ready for a face-lift.
Plenty of our patients are trying to avoid surgery at all cost, but they want to improve the appearance of their face and body. Radio frequency provides the perfect solution for non-surgically lifting and tightening the problem areas on the face like jowls and jawlines. It will also correct fine lines, wrinkles and sagging in the mid-face area. Radio frequency does not replace the need for volume and expectations need to be realistic, but in combination with fillers, Botox and good skin care products you might keep Mother Nature guessing for many years to come.

2. You’ve had a face-lift.
Radio frequency treatments are ideal for maintaining the results of a face-lift for years. By stimulating the deep collagen fibers you keep the skin looking toned. Radio frequency also addresses the lip and chin area that a face-lift does not.

3. Your neck drives you crazy.
Have you ever caught a glimpse in your phone when the camera is facing you? Does your neck skin make you want to scream? Radio frequency tightens and re-textures the “drapey and crepey” texture you see on neck tissue. For younger women it is an ideal preventative treatment.

neck before and after

4. Your eyes and mouth have you pouting.
Circular muscles, like the ones around your eyes and mouth are the first to show signs of aging. They also happen to be some of the most difficult areas to treat. These areas are calls for intense RF treatments. For maximum results, we have packaged four treatments around the eyes and mouth. This will dramatically correct the signs of aging.

crows feet

lips before and after

5. The crepey skin on your arms and legs have you covering up.
This incredible treatment is not only for the face and neck. The results on the body are unprecedented. Imagine a painless, warm massaging treatment that actually smooths, tightens and resurfaces the crepey, dimpled skin on arms, thighs, above the knees and abdomen! These tough areas do require 6-8 treatments, but the results speak for themselves.

crepey arms

crepey knees banda

6. You don’t have time for down time.
Life does not slow down for anti-aging! The beauty of the radio frequency non-surgical procedures is minimal downtime. You will be back to your life within a day! By using Oxygenetix healing skincare you will decrease healing time and conceal any signs of redness.

7. You have a big event coming up.
Whether you have a reunion, wedding, graduation, anniversary or maybe that really big birthday right around the corner, you want to look your best. RF treatments can quickly improve your face to look years younger. Celebrities now call on the Inmode to help them get red carpet ready.  Even one treatment 1-2 days before your event will improve your look.

8. You want maximum improvement.
We have created the ultimate radio frequency facial rejuvenation package that addresses all your aging concerns: skin laxity, pigment, wrinkle reduction, pore size, and texture.

A minimally invasive, non-laser, fractional rejuvenation and resurfacing treatment that reduces wrinkles by ablating the deep tissue fibers of the skin to stimulate collagen. Unlike traditional CO2 lasers, this treatment is color blind and is safe on all skin types. Fractora’s radio frequency micro-needle technology lifts and tightens the deep layers of the dermis. Downtime depends on the intensity of the treatment. For maximum results, we suggest 3-6 treatments depending on your stage of aging. *Insert fractora video and pics

A Radio frequency treatment that tightens skin and gives it an optimal glow. It feels like a warm massage on your face and so relaxing you might catch up on your beauty sleep during the treatment. Painless, with no downtime other than you look a little red for several hours after the procedure. Package includes six-30-minute treatments and can be combined with other treatments such as fillers or Botox on the same day. Follow-up treatments need to be scheduled no more than 14 days apart.

You don’t have to settle any longer! You can have your natural long-lasting results without giving away your secrets. We are happy to consult with you about our latest technology and how it might help you look your best.

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Kati Midgley