Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
Improve bumps and asymmetries with a non-surgical rhinoplasty, using expertly placed injectable fillers.

There are many types of reversible, short-term fillers that are used during a nonsurgical rhinoplasty, including Restalyne®. At Clarity Medical Aesthetics, we are experienced in the art of nonsurgical rhinoplasty. This procedure requires extensive training and experience, as the fillers must be placed precisely to ensure safety and optimal results.
During your consultation, we will determine if you are an appropriate candidate for this procedure. Sometimes, we will refer you to a plastic surgeon if you would be a better candidate for surgical rhinoplasty.
The nonsurgical rhinoplasty requires topical anesthetic and you can expect to resume normal activities immediately following your treatment.
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Before & Afters