Laser Hair Removal

Permanently remove unwanted hair with laser hair removal anywhere you normally pluck, tweeze, wax or shave.


“Highly recommend laser hair removal.”

I’ve had laser hair removal on my face and legs and I couldn’t be happier. I have less hair and the remaining hair is much thinner, lighter, and more manageable.

Clarity Patient


Clarity provides the best laser hair removal solution for unwanted hair anywhere on the body using the state of the art Cutera HR Laser System that can treat any skin type.


Typically, patients experience a 90 percent hair reduction in areas treated. It is not effective at removing red, light blonde or gray hair. Due to the variation in hair growth phases, we recommend a series of seven treatments for best results.

There is no downtime for laser hair removal. Skin will be very red post treatment, and will subside within a few hours.