FaceTite is the perfect solution for patients who have sagging jowls, a double chin and an aging neck.

“I hate my jowls” is the number one complaint we hear at Clarity. FaceTite is the perfect solution for patients who have sagging skin along the jawline, mild submental fullness aka “double-chin” and a crepey neck, but don’t wish to undergo a surgical procedure like a mini-facelift or neck lift.
FaceTite is a facial contouring treatment that targets sagging jowls by virtually shrink wrapping your skin. This treatment is so effective and unique because it’s the only device that treats both the subdermis and the epidermis with radio frequency energy, effectively tightening skin with results as close as you can get to a facelift.
This treatment utilizes RFAL™ – radio frequency assisted lipolysis, which dissolves fat cells while also affecting collagen for immediately tighter skin.
We then treat skin with Morpheus, the second part of the Embrace RF treatment, skin is resurfaced and tightened.
- Jowls
- Double chin
- Neck
The contouring aspect of this treatment is permanent and patients find they are thrilled with their results. Only one treatment is required for FaceTite, and one to three treatments may be required for Morpheus depending on the condition of your skin.
Results are seen immediately with improvements over time. Best noticeable results are seen after 6 weeks, and improvements continue up to 6 months.
Local anesthesia is administered. There are no surgical scars.
Minimal side effects include swelling and bruising. A dressing and pressure garment should be worn 72 hours post treatment and continued to be worn only at night for the next two weeks. A few days of downtime is worth a lifetime of results!
Before & After