BroadBand Light Therapy
BBL, or BroadBand Light therapy, is excellent for treating hyperpigmentation, redness, vascularity, and improving tone and texture.

BBL, or BroadBand Light therapy, is the most effective treatment for the most common skin concerns including hyperpigmentation, photo damage, acne, rosacea, redness, age/sun spots, cherry angiomas, freckles, and more.
The BBL laser treatment is highly effective, painless, and requires no downtime. You’ll see noticeable improvement within weeks, with continued improvement over time.
Light energy gently heats the upper layers of skin. The heat absorbed within treatment areas will stimulate skin cell regeneration and boost your body’s ability to fight the signs of aging.
No topical anesthetic is needed for this treatment. Your skin will be
cleansed and clear ultrasound gel is applied to treatment area. A
chiller device – (blows cold air) is self-administered to minimize discomfort. The BBL wand is passed over treatment area while bright light flashes continuously throughout treatment. You will feel a rubberband snapping sensation and skin will feel warm. Post treatment skin will be red, and pigment may appear darker.
A consultation is required to determine if you are a candidate for BroadBand Light therapy. If deemed an appropriate candidate, you will be given pre and post treatment instructions by our staff.
BBL Before and After

BBL/Moxi combination treatment